Monday, April 22, 2019

2nd Grade Resources for Technology Integration

In many second grade classrooms, units of study include Force and Motion, Native Americans, Communities, plus place value, addition, and subtraction in math. Below, I've shared some resources that will hopefully be beneficial to your instruction.

Whole Class Activities and Teacher Resources

Math Center Activities for the iPad

Using Seesaw as a Center in Science and Social Studies

Are you a Seesaw user? There are many ways to use Seesaw in a center during our content area units:

  • Take a picture of a page in a nonfiction book about a topic and use the audio feature to read it out loud or use the drawing feature to underline important vocabulary.
  • After students finish an activity or project, have them take a photo of it and reflect on how they did or what they learned.
  • Use the drawing option to create a picture of something they learned during the unit. They can add audio to explain their drawing.
  • Create a digital poster using PicCollage Kids to show money amounts, geometrical figures, different communities, etc. Upload it to Seesaw to show what you know!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I had no idea there were such cool apps. I just stay in my own little are but really I should look around and see what all is out there in the arts.
